Forensic odontology deals with knowledge of dentistry for solving criminal cases. The injuries caused due to bites or revolving around teeth are further evaluated for identification of criminals. Just like finger prints, even teeth of every individual are unique and therefore it becomes a very useful tool for identification of a criminal. More so, the teeth possess the quality for remaining intact under severe conditions like accidents, plane crashes, decomposition and more, while body might be damaged or destroyed. This is the time when teeth can be of great help in crime investigation.


Forensic dentistry is particularly useful while investigating cases of sexual assault wherein the criminal has left away bite marks on the victims body. Even Burglary cases can be resolved on the basis of bite marks left by some over smart burglars who eat around while stealing and leave the eaten food behind, after they exit. The teeth marks left on the food stuff makes way for criminal identification. Hence, in countries like USA, there is a provision of medical examining office for death investigation and it is incomplete without a forensic odontologist.

The history of dentistry is as old as Adam and Eve, when they had their first bite of the Apple. But, it was practically seen to be introduced in the court of evidence in the USA during an 1870 trial, but such evidence has become acceptable only after 1954. Ever since forensic odontology has been very popular overseas. Primarily may be because, many of the countries are not as densely populated as India and getting eyewitnesses easily for a crime is also highly difficult. So, the experts have to rely very much on forensic reports of every kind.

Here in India, this forensic dentistry is still in infancy stage. But, with organizations like Indo Pacific Academy of Forensic odontology opening up their head quarters in India, the scenario is changing already. The plan of the academy apparently was to release scientific journal for betterment of the field in India and also for promotion of forensic dentistry in India with the help of faculties from India. Hence, the future seems to be bright in the field as crime investigation in India gets advanced. But, time will only tell if it really is.