Heat Strokes – Warning Signs And How To Deal With It

Heat stroke is a condition that is caused when the body overheats due to physical exertion or staying in higher temperatures. Heat stroke can turn serious if the body temperature soars to 40 degree Celsius or higher. Heat stroke is a common particularly in Andhra Pradesh region of India. 1 out of every 5 person dead due to heat stroke in India is from Andhra Pradesh. Between 2010 and 2015 1825 people from Andhra Pradesh have been reported dead due to heat stroke, accounting to 24% of All India figures. A study also says that there could be a 200 fold rise in heat wave exposures by 2100.


Symptoms of Heat Stroke include confusion, disorientation, no sweating, breathing issues, hallucinations, agitation and coma. If you suspect of someone having a heat stroke, understand it is an emergency and opt for immediate medical help. If a heat stroke is not treated promptly and properly it can be life threatening. Do not compare heat stroke to stroke, a condition where the oxygen to the brain is decreased. The people who are known to be at a higher risk of heat stroke include Athletes, Infants, aged people and those who work in extreme heat conditions. Even children or pets if left in car for a long time unattended can be at the risk of getting a heat stroke.

First aid includes cooling the body temperatures primarily. Take the person indoor or in the shade. Remove excess clothing and use a tub of water or a cool shower to or a sponge soaked in ice water to bring the temperature down. You may also use ice packs around the head, armpits, groin and neck as well. If water is not available you may use the evaporation cooling technique in which misting cold water on the body while fanning warm air. If the patient tends to shiver then the doctor might give a muscle relaxant as well.

The best way to avoid is staying hydrated all the time, avoiding excess intake of alcohol or over clothing in summer.

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The Weightloss Plan That Has Taken Maharashtra by Storm

The Diet plan of Dr. Dixit, a professor at the preventive departments of social medicine at the Government medical college and hospital believes that accepting that you are overweight and that you need a diet correction which includes shunning away tempting food and controlling diet in order to keep your diabetes at bay.

Diabetes is very common in India today and more like an epidemic, hence people do need to take their diet seriously. Dr. Dixit has devised a diet plan for 18 years and above age group. His diet plan is quite unique in a way. He harps upon a meal that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates.

weight loss

As per Dr Dixit, the food that is high on carbohydrate is responsible for secretion of insulin in big quantities. The meal that is rich in protein will cause less secretion of insulin. Hence, eating anything in between two meals is not advisable. Better drink water, green tea, coconut water or buttermilk instead as they do not trigger the secretion of insulin.

This theory of carboinsulin connection has been discussed by late Dr Shrikant Jichkar, who presented this idea of eating only two meals a day for diabetes prevention. He also organized a study of 446 participants out of which 428 did complete the study with the 6 monthly follow up. There was an average loss of 6.8 kg during the six months. The logic was that there was a rise in diabetes if the insulin levels increased.

He also added that the diet plan he has designed does not lead to loss of stamina. Instead poor diet can lead to health hazards like diabetes, hypertension and even cancer. As per Dr Dixit, eating two meals a day and restricting yourself from eating anything in between the two meals not only leads to weight loss but also controlling diabetes as well. Keto diet is another easy way of controlling your insulin.

Inspite of the fact that there is no definite proof of the same, this diet plan has worked for many people across Maharashtra and many people have tried this plan out.


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Sleep Advice for People with Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain has always been a painful and stressful issue for people who suffer from it on and off. Lower back pain is common amongst women in India particularly in women who have undergone C sections. It disrupts our daily routines and sleep as well. Pain in the day time or night time, does tend to distract you and affect your concentration levels on work. Still people do live with it but when it disrupts sleep, that is when it get to the nerves. So, let us look into certain sleeping positions that are suitable for people who suffer from back pain because even not sleeping in a proper posture can add to your pain, worsening it.

Well, it’s important to maintain a natural curve of the spine while you sleeping. To ensure that you maintain a proper posture when lying in bed you need so provide proper support to your back when you sleep and keep your hips, shoulders and head properly aligned. This is not easy as it seems because each one of us sleeps differently like some sleep on their left side, some on their left while some sleep on their stomach. Many avoid sleeping on back because of snoring issues.

Lower Back Pain

Here are few postures that might help you in dealing with your lower back pain while in bed.
1. THE BEST POSITION – The best sleeping position is to lie on the back because it distributes the weight across the body’s surface and uniformly too. It maintains a good alignment of the spine, neck and head and minimizes the pressure points.

2. FETUS LIKE POSITION – This position is known to be very effective on people who suffer from herniated disc condition. The fetus position wherein the knees are tucked close to the chest helps in reducing the spine bend and opens the joints up as well.

3. PILLOW BETWEEN KNEES – Many people prefer sleeping on sides, even though it is not considered to be an appropriate sleeping position as it can strain the lower back by pulling out the spine out of its position. But, there is a solution to this. Simply place a firm pillow between your knees when you sleep on the sides thus realigning your pelvis, hips and spine.

4. RECLINER POSITION – This position has helped many with isthmic spondylolisthesis relieve themselves from lower back pain at night. Though an expensive solution, if it is helping you significantly reduce your back pain, then investing in a recline does seem a good idea. You can adjust the chair or bed as per the needs of your back.

Well, many of us are already aware that lower back problems can aggravate if we do not use appropriate mattress and pillows as well. So, it is important that you buy a mattress or pillow as per your requirement.
1. Try changing your pillow every 12 -18 months.
2. If you tend to sleep on your back a lot, use a thinner pillow to avoid straining your neck
3. Pillows made from memory foam are a good choice as they take the shape of your head or neck.
4. A medium firm mattress is a good choice for those of you with lower back conditions.
5. Avoid softer mattresses because they tend to disturb spin alignment and change them every 10 years.

A good night’s sleep is indeed important for good health and fitness so if you have lower back issues the most important thing to do first is to catch up with a Physiotherapist and see what he has to advice on the same.

Department of Orthopaedics at Vydehi Hospital is full pledged and has all the facilities to treat the patients with Orthopaedic problems. There are 8 senior consultants, 2 Senior residents, 5 Post graduate students and Interns in the department. Department renders service throughout the day on all days.

All About Essential Tremors

Many of us have either experienced or seen this happen mostly in elderly people. A nerve disorder, essential tremor causes uncontrollable shaking in various parts of the body. The areas that are commonly known to be affected by the same are arms, larynx, head, hands, chin and tongue. Mostly the affected areas is the upper part and not the lower part of the body. ET or essential tremor is not a life threatening disorder mostly and a person can easily have quality life living with it. Though some might face some difficulty doing routine activities like eating, writing or dressing, but overall one can live with it without much of a discomfort.

Tremors are known to be electrical activity of the brain of abnormal nature. Genetics could be a possible cause of ET in over half of the people because a child born to a parent with ET increases the chance of inheriting the same condition by 50%. ET is often seen in the elderly but its definitely cannot referred as a part of aging process.

The symptoms are visible tremors, where the particular affected area shakes uncontrollable, even voice could shake and head could nod as well. With increase in stress the shaking also increasing and decreases with rest. There could be balance problems as well but in rare cases.

Essential tremors are related to other disorders like headaches, migranes, Pariknson’s disease and even known to be a t high risk of getting dementia.

Treatment and Prevention
Treatment is required only in case of essential tremors of severe nature only. The treatment might include surgery or medications as per the severity levels.

Medicines – To reduce severity of essential tremors, medicines like Mysoline, Topamax, and tranquilizers like Ativan, Xanax and more are used. Sometimes Botox injections are used.

Surgery – The surgical alternative is called Deep brain stimulation or DBS and is used only in case of severe tremors even after use of medications.

Well, it is not all preventive because the root cause is not known but with the help of medications it can be kept under control significantly.

The Neurosurgery Department of Vydehi Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre has completed 500 major neurosurgical operations successfully in as many operating days. The Department boasts of state-of-the-art neurosurgical equipments, is now capable of treating all kinds of neurosurgical ailments at an affordable cost

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as is it is known is a common disorder in human kind. Well, researchers have some news to share around the same now. As per the researchers, people with this condition are known to have impairments in brain. Further these impairments are unique in nature and hence it is very difficult to have a common explanation for the cause of this condition.

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The findings are based on the research carried out over 117 adolescents having ADHD. They were assessed for impulsive behavior which is known to be one of the most typical behavior in the condition. The study revealed that the participants had shown three different types of characteristics thus leading to creation of three sub categories –
Group 1 – Showed impulsive motor responses during fast moving visual tasks
Group 2 – Showed immediate reward preference
Group 3 – Showed normal behavior for both the tasks compared to 134 non ADHD adolescents

Though the researchers also made it clear that only cognitive testing could help distinguish ADHD patients of different subgroups. They also used the functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to find out the relation between the impulsive behavior based test profiles and brain dysfunction. But, the results were negative as in the FMRI was not able to record and abnormality other than the core ADHD profile of the brain dysfunction in any of the subgroups because every subgroup showed dysfunction in different regions of the brain depending upon their specific brain impairment.

The results point towards the fact that every brain has different neural systems to manage the executive functions as well as reward processing that are known to contribute individually to the growth of ADHD symptoms.

Well, the study is at a preliminary level and hence as per the researchers it would definitely require detailed study in order to prove that ADHD is a collection of different disorders but this initial study does pave a path to it. The study would also help with effective treatments of people with these conditions because some ADHD medications might not just work well with one subgroup while it might work well with another work group. Hence, targeted treatment would be the approach to be taken because these findings do highlight that more than one factor is definitely responsible for psychiatric disorders like ADHD.

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Eye Care – Tips and Facts

Just imagine a vision free life. You can’t right? Eyes are such an important part of the body and caring for them is thus equally important. We’re aren’t aware that sometimes knowingly or unknowingly we make our eyes suffer. Here is a run down a few facts and some eye care tips to help you keep your vision safe. Let us first run through some facts and then a few tips on eye care.Facts and Tips on Eye and Care

Sun glasses and Spectacles are good for eyes – There has been a myth that wearing spectacles for a long span affects eyes adversely. This is not at all true, spectacles are good for your eyes and only help in improving your vision and not degrading it.

Smoking is bad for your eyes – Yes, the fact is smoking is responsible for increasing macular degeneration. Smoking harms the blood vessels of the optic nerve as well as the retina and damages it. On a long run, it can also result in loss of eyesight.

Non removal of Eye makeup is harmful – These days girls use a lot of eye makeup accessories that include eye lash volumizers, eyeliner, maskara, etc. As per reports of experts the eye makeup can get into the eye layers and harm them. It is therefore important to remove all makeup after use and use antibiotic drops for eye protection.

Protect your eyes from the PC/ Laptop – As our life style has changed predominantly in the last decade or so, with most of the work being done on PCs/ laptops, eye protection becomes an ever concerning issue. We tend to spend most of our day on the PC or laptop and hence our eyes are put to risk. As per experts, its ideal to give your eyes some rest every couple of hours to avoid straining and vision blurring issues. Resting process includes shutting your eyes ever half and hour to forty five minutes for a few minutes, moisturizing them and lubricating them as well.

Do not wear lenses while asleep – Its a real bad idea to sleep with your eye lenses on. Doing this repeatedly can cost you your vision. So, remove lenses every night and soak them in a disinfectant. Also, while wearing them be careful to touch them with clean hands and store them in a clean case as well.

Eyes are not forever – Caring for your eyes is important, yes it is, but we need to remember that eye issues are going to occur as and when we age and at some point of time we all need to do a cataract surgery mostly. But, with proper eye care you can definitely prolong that time and have good healthy eye sight for longer years.

Well, stay outdoors, with nature, keep your eyes clean and lubricate them, moisturize them and protect them with sun shades and spectacles and keep them working efficiently for you for a long long time.

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