Brushing Teeth Habits in Children

Brushing Teeth Habits in Children

Usually families follow the routine of putting the habit of brushing teeth in kids two times a day, in the morning and evening before going to bed. But, it seems that brushing just two times a day isn’t enough in little toddlers and kids. The reason is that toddlers or kids eat three to four times a day and hence bacteria keep building across the day as well. As per the National Association of the Education of Young Children or NAEYC, which is considered to be by far a gold standard when it comes to dental recommendations has the following criteria under its accreditation. The children who are older than a year and eat more than two or three meals a day have to be provided the facility of brushing teeth and cleaning their gums when at the play house day care or activity centre they are enrolled in. It also states that the practice of providing posters near the sink which demonstrate proper teeth cleaning or brushing procedures to kids need to be put up so that the kids can mimic these steps and brush their teeth properly.

Child Care Centres – The Scenario
Now, the criteria that requires children to brush their teeth at these centres does not fit in the routines of the centres at all. Primarily because there are two teachers in a class and around fifteen to twenty students. Brushing routines would definitely consume a lot of time considering the scenario. Additionally, brushing teeth is sort of messy activity for little toddlers who are still in the process of acquiring motor skills, adding to the work load and time consumption as well. Additionally, it would also add to the cost because it would required the centre to maintain a stock of brushes toothpastes and towels for each kid around while keep up with sanitary measures and hygiene.

Well, the implementation of this routine is definitely going to help kids with dental care but it does not replace the need for dental care at home. Though, it requires suggestions that would ease some load from the care centres. For example if students are asked to carry their own brushes and toothpastes, it could save the costs of the centres. So, if viable solutions are worked out then definitely it can be implemented in schools and will also help inculcate dental hygiene habits in children.

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